Are you moving out soon? If so, this cleaning type would benefit you, especially if you expect to get your deposit back. A move-in/move-out cleaning is a specialized cleaning service that focuses on build-up over time to remove dust, dirt grime, soap, and scum from the home after the owners or tenants have moved out or even want to sell a property. It’s very similar to deep Cleaning in terms of thoroughness, but with all the furnishings gone, we can reach areas of the home that were perhaps never touched during the occupancy. This job can also be tailored to address specific issues such as carpet stains, removing pet stains and hairs, and even cigarette odor build-up. Here’s what our move-in/move-out cleaning job will consist of:

Deep Cleaning wiping all counters/appliances such as the refrigerator, oven, stove, and (under-mount/build-in microwaves). Scrub sinks bowl vanity. Open all cabinets, drawers, and pantry to vacuum, wipe and clean out. Thoroughly sweep and mop all bare floors (especially underneath where appliances have been)
Vacuum all carpeted areas, including the inside of all closets Clean and disinfect all bathrooms (wipe out cabinets and drawers, exceptional attention to build-up) Cleaning, dusting, and wiping ceiling fan blades and light fixtures in place (tulip light fixtures clean in place, light fixtures w/glass panels or bulbs over kitchen tables, light bar in bathrooms cleaned in area, and sanitized. Baseboards (dusted, hand-washed, or wiped). Wash and wipe down all painted cabinets with all-purpose disinfected cleaner. Wash and wipe down all doors and door frames (with all-purpose disinfected cleaner). Light switch plates (wiped down and sanitized). Vacuum or dust all vents. Vacuum all corners of walls (along the edge where bugs, animal hair, or carpet fibers build up). Clean and wipe down all moldings, trim, and door frames. Vacuum, clean, and wipe down mini blinds and window sills. Deep clean all bathrooms, toilets, showers, and tubs.

Please note: We will never climb higher than a 4 step ladder. Anything beyond that reach will be dusted with an extension duster for safety reasons and concerns.
